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Companies claim home-working has hit employee motivation

Two-thirds of UK companies believe the motivation and enthusiasm of employees have suffered as a result of remote working during the COVID-19 crisis, according to a new survey of 1,500 firms by FTI Consulting on behalf of law firm CMS. Approximately 64% of respondents said employee morale had suffered due to remote working, compared to just 23 per cent who said workers were more productive or had higher motivation at home.

Just under 70% of companies said they were planning to reduce workspace costs by allowing employees to work more flexibly. “While companies have proven that with the help of technology it is possible to maintain business operations over a period of time, almost two thirds of occupiers say that motivation and enthusiasm of employees is suffering through remote working and the lack of human interaction”, said Ciaran Carvalho, partner and head of real estate at CMS. “In most industries, the need to interact and collaborate with colleagues, clients and customers outweighs the benefits to be gained from remote working exclusively, such as eliminating the commute for the individual, or workspace costs for the company”.

Read more: City AM


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